Saturday, 28 March 2009

Get Outta My Fuckin' House, Douchebags!

As any of you who have ever moved even once in your life know, there's a lot involved in packing the joint up and getting the fuck out. You've gotta transfer all your utilities over to the new place. You've gotta arrange for a moving van and friends to help you transfer all of your belongings from one locale to the next. There's a shit-ton of crap to do, and that's on top of all the packing and cleaning and going to work and otherwise maintaining your life and sanity through it all.

When you move into a house that you've just purchased, it's helpful to have a second walk-thru to determine practical little details like, "Will we need more phone jacks?" or "Will our sofa fit this space? And if not, where is it more likely to fit?"

We asked our realtor, the dynamic Helen Ross O'Donoghue, to request a second walk-thru from the people currently living in our new house. Initially, they said yes and scheduled it for today, around 1:00 p.m. Then about a week ago or so, they all of a sudden said "No!" and, to make it even more inconvenient, informed their realtor (who, to her credit, seemed kind of embarrassed) that we couldn't get in until after they had vacated the joint around April 28th.

They didn't give any reason, just "No". J. thinks maybe they caught wind that we're Friends of Dorothy's and decided to be difficult because they can. I prefer to think that they're just douchebags, but the end result is the same. We don't get to see the inside of our house again until a few days before closing, which I think is bullshit.


G- said...

That kind of thing always sucks, whatever the reason. It's not actually abnormal, in my experience (two houses), to not get a second walkthrough... but it is weird to be told it was no problem and then suddenly have them freak out and take the football away.
Anyway, the papers are signed and, as of your possession date, it will not matter a whit what these jackasses think. They can inconvenience you a little right now, but that's it. Beneath your notice, they are.

G- said...

Oh, also, I forgot to say by email, but of course we will happily look after Scooter on moving day.