Thursday 29 January 2009

Food! Glorious Food!

So, although I am loathe to admit defeat, I'm afraid I'm off the liquid diet.

I just couldn't do it anymore. Props to anyone who can keep it up and be successful, but I couldn't get past the fact that two out of my three meals tasted like the contents of a colostomy bag. Not to mention the fact that my blood sugar took a hit and I was a raving fucking douchebag whose co-workers wanted to shoot her in the face the whole time I was on it.

The day I decided to go back on the Weight Watcher's plan, I couldn't believe the change in my outlook and mood. I was bopping around the office, telling jokes and singing. S. looked at me and said, "It's good to have you back, A. You scared me yesterday."

So, I'm going for walks and stuff, and hopefully that will make more of a difference. Life's too short to starve to death.


Emmett said...

That's odd. I never felt like I was starving. I was hungry the first week, perhaps, but that quickly changes. Mind you, I also didn't mind the taste of the shakes.

Oh well. Sorry to hear it didn't work out.

Cori said...

I think it's for the best. Maybe it's a male/female thing, but Emmett doesn't seem to get the same hangry issues that I know I have. He can go for hours and hours without food, while I pretty much need to eat a little bit all the time or I'm a raving loon. The shake thing would have killed me.

Philippe de St-Denis said...

All I could think was, "Omg, how did he DO this? I'm ready to start amputating my own limbs for a snack!" Maybe I'm too far removed from my own German heritage, but trust me when I say that everyone around me is very glad I am back on solid food.

Janet says I should have known better from my experiences at camping events, since she knows what happens when I don't get enough to eat. I don't know how Emmett does it either. Feed me, Seymour!

Emmett said...

It is my Teutonic will, perhaps. Mind you, I also used a LOT of ice when I made the shakes so I generally felt very full when I had them. Then it was just a matter of not snacking, which was a bad habit.

Even so, I got bored of the shakes after a couple of months. Probably just as well. I'll still bring you that stuff my parents have just in case you find someone else who wants to try the diet out.