Monday, 9 January 2012

And THEN...!

As if any of you need further proof of Teeth's utter lack of professionalism (but here goes anyway...)

On Friday, while I was at my highly successful job interview, Yvette was talking to Jacques, who had stopped by her cubicle. During their brief conversation, Teeth came up behind Jacques and grabbed his ass with both hands.


And so I explained to Yvette that sexual harrassment is in the eye of the beholder; if she was offended by Teeth's behaviour, she can complain about it and earn Teeth (yet another) very strict talking-to about her inappropriateness. It doesn't have to be *her* ass that was grabbed. Yvette was unaware of the way in which sexual harrassment policies work, but she might be talking to Head Office Boss Lady when she visits ths week.

Or she might not. That office functions the way it does due to ignorance and apathy.

The temp agency actually called me today for my first assignment, but it was only for a single day, so I declined it. Still, I hope this is a sign of things to come.   

1 comment:

Pisser said...

Wow. Just wow. I kind of want to give the entire contents of your last post to Head Office Lady. Especially the parts about the truckers (who knew Teeth was a lot lizard?) and the inflammatory pop tart comment :\

That being said, I am a little paranoid of temp agencies since my last one screwed me over by sticking me on an assignment which was supposed to be for 2 days for 3 weeks at $2/hr less than my minimum rate. Maybe you can register with more than one...?

Anyway, I'd really like to hear how the H.O.L. responds to your complaints. You have every right to an exit interview and can request one, even if by telephone. I'd talk to her before then, though. Teeth's transgressions are really blatant, and since you're preparing to leave anyway, what have you got to lose?